Error Codes and Responses

HTTP Statuses

The Fusioo API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Message Description
200OKReturned when the request was completed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further.
401UnauthorizedAuthentication credentials were missing or incorrect. This can also happen if the user has revoked access to your application.
404Not FoundThe URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, does not exists. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method.
429Too Many RequestsReturned when a request cannot be served due to the API’s rate limit having been exhausted.
500Internal Server ErrorSomething is broken. Please contact so that the Fusioo dev team can investigate.
503Service UnavailableFusioo is down or being upgraded. Please try again later.
504Gateway timeoutThe Fusioo servers are up, but the request could not be serviced due to some failure from Fusioo's end. Please try again later.

Error Messages

When the Fusioo API returns error messages, it does so in JSON format. For example, an error might look like this:

  "code": 10002,
  "message": "The requested resource was not found",
  "data": {}

Error Codes

In addition to descriptive error text, error messages contain codes. While the text for an error message may change, the codes will stay the same. The following table describes the codes you might encounter while working with the Fusioo API:

Code Message Description
10000SuccessThe operation was completed successfully.
10001Internal Server ErrorSomething is broken. Please contact so that the Fusioo dev team can investigate.
10002The requested resource was not foundThe requested URIis invalid or does not exist. This also happens when the incorrect HTTP method is used, for example using GET instead of POST.
10003 Unauthorized access This can happen if the Access Token is expired, invalid or missing from the request. It can also happen if the user revokes access to your application.
10004Service UnavailableFusioo is going through scheduled maintenance.
20000Email or password are invalidAuthentication credentials were missing or incorrect.
20001Invalid Client IdThe Client Id used is invalid. You can find the correct Client Id from here.
20002Client Id or secret are invalidYou can find the correct Client Id and Secret for your application from here.
20003Redirect Uri is invalidThe Redirect Uri must match the one used in your application settings.
20004Refresh token is issued to a different Client IdThe Refresh token used is being used by another application. Make sure you have the correct Refresh token issued for your application.
20005You have reached the hourly API rate limitReturned when a request cannot be served due to the API’s rate limit having been exhausted.
20006Refresh token is invalid or expiredThe Refresh token does not exist or has expired. This can also happen when the user revokes access to your application. You can get a new Access and Refresh token by restarting the Authentication flow.
20007Invalid userOnly active, regular users can access the API. The user is either Deactivated or marked as a Lite user.
30000App not foundThe specified App does not exist.
30001App access deniedThe user you are authenticated with does not have access to the specified App. Check out the Permissions section for more information.
30002Cannot create App recordsThe user you are authenticated with does not have access to create records in the specified App. Check out the Permissions section for more information.
30003Cannot update App recordsThe user you are authenticated with does not have access to update records in the specified App. Check out the Permissions section for more information.
30004Cannot delete App recordsThe user you are authenticated with does not have access to delete records in the specified App. Check out the Permissions section for more information.
30050Record validation errorsField options should be respected when entering data. For example, if a Number Field has a maximum value of 2000, any number greater than that will trigger a validation error.
30051Record not foundThe specified record does not exist.
30052Record access deniedThe record is not accessible to the user you are authenticated with.
30053Record Limit exceededYou have exceeded your account record limits.
30054Concurrent requests errorHappens when records using an auto increment Number Field are created at the same time and resources are locked. To fix, retry or add a delay.
30056Discussion not foundThe specified discussion does not exist.
30057Content is requiredThe discussion content is required.
30058Character limit exceededThe discussion character limit has been exceeded.
30100Field used to sort does not existThe Field used to sort the records does not exist.
30101Field used is not sortableNot all Fields can be used to sort the retrieved records.
30102Cannot access the 'Sort By' FieldThe Field used to sort the retrieved records isn't accessible to the user you are authenticated with.
30103Sort direction is invalidValue should either be asc or desc.
30104Records offset is invalidThe offset should be an integer, with the value greater than 0.
30105Records limit is invalidThe limit should be an integer, with the value between 0 and 200.
30200Webhook not foundThe Webhook does not exist.
30250File not foundThe File does not exist.
30251Invalid file typeThe file type is not allowed.
30252File size limit exceededThe file size exceeds the 25MB limit.
30253Storage limit exceededThe overall storage of your Fusioo account has been exceeded.
30254Multiple files are not allowedOnly one file can be attached when creating a file.
30256File Field access deniedThe user you are authenticated with does not have access to the specific File Field.
30105User not foundThe specified user was not found.
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