
Fields give structure to your data. There are two types of Fields, Custom Fields and Default Fields.

Custom Fields

Custom Fields are the Fields you choose to structure your data.

Choosing Custom Fields is a matter of knowing which information needs to be tracked. For example, if you’re creating an App to track and manage Projects, you might need to track the project’s Deadline and Status. In this case, you would choose the Date Field to store the project’s Deadline and the Select Field to store the project’s Status.

If you are unsure which Fields you need to include in your App, you should ask yourself the following question:

What information do I need to track for each (in our case, Project) record?

Default Fields

Default Fields are the Fields that are automatically generated when a new App is created. These fields cannot be deleted and are automatically updated when creating or modifying the records. The four default Fields are explained below:

  • Created - Stores the date and time the record was created on.
  • Modified - Stores the date and time the record was last modified on.
  • Created By - Stores the User that created the record.
  • Modified By - Stores the last User that modified the record.

Adding a new Field and Modifying existing Fields

Only Users with Admin Access can modify Apps and add/modify Fields.

If you have Admin Access, you can add/modify Fields from three different places, namely:


  • 1. The List View

    Whenever you’re viewing records in the List View, you can click on + to add a new Field.

    Add Fields


    To modify existing Fields, you can click on > Settings.

    Modify Fields


  • 2. The Fields Page

    If you need to add multiple Fields at once, you can navigate to the Fields page. Click on > Fields near the App name.

    Fields Page


    To add a new Field, drag a Field Type from the right menu.

    Add Field


    You can customize the record layout by placing Fields near each other. Just resize and drag & drop Fields to change the layout.

    Resize Field
    Some Field Types must always take full width. These include: Multi-line, Date, File, Check List and App Relationship Fields.


    Modify existing Fields

    In the Fields page, you can quickly rename the Fields and also change their configuration.

    Modify Fields


  • 3. The Record Page

    You can also configure the App's Fields while creating or editing a record by clicking on Fields.

    Record Fields


    When clicking this button, you will be redirected to the Fields Page.

Grouping related Fields

Related Fields can be grouped together using Field Sections. Using sections can be quite handy when your App contains a lot of Fields.

You can choose to have any Field Section start as collapsed when you create or update a record.

Fields Add Section


The end result:

Add Fields to a section


Note: Ungrouped Fields will be added to the 'Default Section'.

Field Types

When creating your custom App, you can pick and choose from the following Fields:

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