Rollup Formulas - COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN

Rollup formulas are very useful when you want to summarize data from related Apps.

The following connected Apps will be used as an example to explain each rollup type. For more information about Fields, click here.

Projects App Tasks App
Project Title Task Title
Project Notes Responsible
Stage Status
Hours Budgeted Estimate (in hours)
Deadline Time taken (in hours)
Related Tasks Main Project

Rollups are only available on App relationships.


Using the COUNT rollup type, you can display the number of tasks related to any project, as shown below:

Formula fields dropdown
Formula example

In this case, our Project has two related Tasks:

Formula related tasks

Therefore, the resulting value will be 2.

Formula result

You can also use the COUNT rollup type to display the total count of records, filtered by a Select Field value.

With this option you can display the Related Tasks that are In Progress, On Hold or Done.

Formula count filter


The SUM rollup type works on all the Number Fields available in the connected Tasks App. We can use it to show the total time taken for all Tasks to be completed, as shown below:

Formula fields dropdown
Formula example

Using the same Tasks from the COUNT example, this formula will add time taken in both Tasks (45 + 25)

Formula result

You can combine rollups with other operations to gather more useful information. For example, we can check if the project has exceeded the budgeted hours.

Combined formula

In this case, the resulting value will be shown in a Tickbox Field.

Formula result


The AVG can be calculated by using the COUNT and SUM rollup types. For example, we can find out the average task duration using the following formula:

Formula average

Since both the COUNT and SUM are dynamic, the average will change automatically each time you add more task or update task durations.

Formula result


When using the MAX rollup type on a Number Field, the formula will return the highest value from all related records. For example, we can find out the number of hours taken for the task with the longest duration, as shown below:

Formula fields dropdown
Formula example

Looking back at the tasks for this project, we can see that the task 'Design new homepage template' has the longest duration.

Formula related tasks

Hence, that number (45) will be the result of the MAX rollup type.

Formula result


When using the MIN rollup type on a Number Field, the formula will return the smallest value from all related records. For example, we can find out the number of hours taken for the task with the shortest duration, as shown below:

Formula fields dropdown
Formula example

Looking back at the tasks for this project, we can see that the task 'Finalize new Dashboard animation' has the shortest duration.

Formula related tasks

Hence, that number (25) will be the result of the MIN rollup type.

Formula result
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